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Tim Hortons’ Honey Cruller Is Disgusting

In a world full of delicious possibilities, the Honey Cruller from Tim Hortons stands out as a dismal failure that embodies everything that’s wrong with modern donut-making. This sugary monstrosity would undoubtedly take the crown if there were an award for the worst donut. At a staggering 320 calories , one might anticipate a rich and satisfying treat. Instead, what you receive is an overly large, cloying abomination that seems to prioritize a sugar bomb over any semblance of taste. It’s not an indulgence; it’s irresponsible gluttony. Each bite is so sickeningly sweet that you’ll find yourself gasping for air—or rather, for your drink—just to mitigate the overpowering sugar rush. It’s baffling that a donut, of all things, could be so devoid of balance or depth. Let’s talk about texture. Sure, there’s an interesting chewy, almost egg-like quality on the inside, paired with a crunchy outer layer. But that’s where the praise ends. While the cruller’s texture might offer some vague intrig

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